Dapagliflozin Found to Be Cost Effective Treatment for CKD


Dec 22, 2022

Dapagliflozin Found to Be Cost Effective Treatment for CKD

Dapagliflozin Found to Be Cost Effective Treatment for CKD

Dapagliflozin has been shown to be an effective treatment for Chronic Kidney Disease.  Dapagliflozin is a sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor.  Recently, it was shown to be effective in treating Chronic Kidney Disease, in addition to regular standard of care, in the Dapagliflozin and Prevention of Adverse Outcomes in CKD (DAPA-CKD) Trials.  The DAPA-CKD trial was able to show that in patients treated with dapagliflozin and standard of care, that their decline in kidney function was slowed down, leading to lower incidence of kidney failure, and lower risk of cardiovascular or kidney related death versus placebo and standard of care.

Cost Effective

Recent analysis indicated that in patients who were eligible for the DAPA-CKD trial not only was Dapagliflozen effective from a clinical standpoint, it is effective from a cost standpoint.

“Our results indicate that should patients with chronic kidney disease be treated with dapagliflozin at an early stage of disease, the rate of cardio-renal complications could be reduced leading to improved health-related quality of life in patients and significant benefits for health care systems in a cost-effective manner”.  - Phil McEwan, PhD


In analyzing findings of the DAPA-CKD trial, investigators predicted that treatment with dapagliflozin would slow the progression of chronic kidney disease to kidney failure, lower incidence of adverse clinical outcomes, including hospitalization for heart failure. They also expect treatment to increase life expectancy by 1.7 years.  Additionally, they concluded that delaying progression of CKD to kidney failure, and reducing the incidences of hospitalization would have important cost indications for the health care system, as well as positive health impact on patients' lives.   

From their press release, “The study authors wish to make note that the study is only a part of multiple pieces of research seeking to demonstrate the cost effectiveness of medications in the class of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors in both diabetic and non-diabetic kidney disease”.

Dapagliflozin is used with a proper diet and exercise program to control high blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. Dapagliflozin is the generic name of Forxiga which is owned by AstraZenica.

Related Article

What is Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)?


Dapagliflozin Found Clinically, Cost Effective Treating Chronic Kidney Disease


About the Author

Monica Thomas

Monica McCarthy has bachelors in Political Science and Criminal Justice from Central Washington University.  A majority of her career was spent as a political consultant.   She currently works at KidneyLuv as a staff writer.

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